Psalm 23 reflection

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What can a soul lack who knows its Shepherd is Jesus Christ?  The peace of Christ being upon the soul is more refreshing than any vacation or relaxing hideout.  For in the Lord is true restoration for the soul. The key to all this is to learn to follow His voice – He always speaks in a stil, small voice that peacefully calls to the soul. 

I have learned that even in the darkest valleys, He will give comfort and safety.  His staff is always protecting the soul. At the darkest time of night, the Lord sits vigilantly on watch for His sheep’s safety.  The sheep doesn’t need to see Him or know He is there, but He always is.

I call to mind my father’s death.  I hadn’t known God for many years and hadn’t prayed since, well I don’t know.  I had been living a life of sin, always making some excuse to not look to God. Than catastrophe, I’m told of my dad’s death.  I fly around the world from Okinawa to home for the funeral. I arrived very late Sunday night for a Monday morning funeral. My mother managed to have someone at the funeral home so I could see my dad.  It was nearly 3AM and there I was on my knees beside my hero as he lay in a casket. I cried out in utter sorrow. I had lost the only man I ever looked up to or wanted to be like. I lost my friend and confidante.  I remember crying and as the tears flowed down my cheeks, I said, “what will I do? I’ll never hear your voice again”. And out of this moment of despair I heard myself say, “but, I know I will see you again,”. And a peace came over me, the tears dried.

It was years later, I had found Jesus.  I had a vision of that September night, I saw myself kneeling and crying beside the casket.  I wasn’t alone in the vision though. A man stood beside me with His hand on my shoulder. And in my despair I could see a tear on His cheek.  When I said that I’d never hear my dad’s voice again, the man leaned over and whispered in my ear, “don’t worry, Ed, you’ll see your dad again.”  In the vision, I looked up and repeated those words. 

The man standing there, I realise, was Jesus.  After years of neglecting, ignoring Him and worse, He was there to be with me and comfort me in my direst time of need.

The Shepherd watches over His flock, even the wandering, lost sheep.  He is actually more attentive to that sheep. Thank You, Jesus for being so attentive and loving to this lost sheep.  Jesus Christ is willing to fight off any wolves attacking, the sheep just have to call out for help. He died to do this…

Psalm 23

“The Lord is my shepherd;

    there is nothing I lack.

In green pastures he makes me lie down;

    to still waters he leads me;

he restores my soul.

He guides me along right paths

    for the sake of his name.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

    I will fear no evil, for you are with me;

    your rod and your staff comfort me.

You set a table before me

    in front of my enemies;

You anoint my head with oil;

    my cup overflows.

Indeed, goodness and mercy will pursue me

    all the days of my life;

I will dwell in the house of the Lord

    for endless days.”  

One comment

  1. Last year my friend lost his wife unexpectedly as they were preparing to retire, they had three children. Tragically he passed six months later, leaving his children with no Mother or Father, His favorite Bible verse…Psalm 23. I just read this and felt a comfort for Tom and Lorraine, thank you, pray for their children…God bless.

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