Prepare / Be Ready

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“Blessed are those slaves whom the master finds alert when he comes; truly I tell you, he will fasten his belt and have them sit down to eat, and he will come and serve them.  If he comes during the middle of the night, or near dawn, and finds them so, blessed are those slaves.” Luke 12:37-38

Many in the world don’t even prepare for worldly things. Retirement, kids’ college, a new car or house are all handled more like impulses than plans.

Don’t let the Lord find you partying and enjoying life, while doing nothing to prepare for His return.

We are in the third watch, the dawn is coming soon, very soon. At the dawn, all will see the Lord’s coming in the sky. All will be faced with the realization of His coming. Sadly, few will find themselves ready, many will be standing in darkness, with no oil in the lamps. Worse, many won’t even have a lamp at hand, oil or not.

How can you who are journeying the Road of Faith prepare?

Go to Mass, at least on Sunday but daily if an option. Make Mass when you are there be where you are fully. Focus on the moment when Heaven and earth meet – look for the saints and angels and the Lord. He will see you.

Receive the Eucharist. Truly receive Him within your heart and soul. Make the Eucharist your most real reality.

Go to Adoration. Sit with the Lord. Just sitting in silent vigilance or pondering His words. Go.

Read the Bible or other solid Catholic writings. For me, this has become my time with God. I read only the Bible and Divine Mercy in My Soul. Though, I do have other good books on prayer as well as a few devotionals I repeat at times – 33 Days to Morning Glory, 33 days to Merciful Love, 33 Days to Greater Glory and Consoling the Heart of Jesus are some of my favorites. The key is to know the Bible is your handbook on Heaven and opening the heart of Jesus.

Get close to the Blessed Mother. Snuggle up close to Mama Mary. Watch what she does and how she acts. She is our best example of living a life centered upon Jesus. And, who better to be near when the dawn comes?

Get to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Wipe clean any and all stains of sin. Be dressed in the white wedding garment when the clouds part. His light will make your purity and effort glow.

Part of my routine is praise. Praise music sets my heart upon God. It lifts my mind and soul to Jesus. The Holy Spirit inflames my heart. Yes, you will find me preparing for work, alone in my room with hands raised as my morning praise songs play. ‘Holy Forever”, “How Great is our God!”, “Blessed Be Your Name”, “Nothing Else” and more. This is my time to align my heart, mind, body and soul with God.

Spread mercy. Do acts of mercy. Pray acts of mercy. Speak acts of mercy. Don’t hold back – someone out there needs to hear you speak of Jesus and what He has and is doing for you. The greatest act of mercy Jesus shared with me is the bring other souls to Heaven.

It is the end of the third watch. Don’t hesitate. Get ready, stay ready. Be a Jesus prepper!

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One comment

  1. Beautifully written Ed! Thank you so very much for your spiritual grace.
    God Bless,
    Greg & Patty

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