Praise Monday – Three Kings

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For so many Christians and others, Christmas is over. Now is a time to throw the wrapping away, bundle up the ornaments and toss the tree to the side of the road. Time to move on.

Christmas just started. We are now just beginning our Christmas journey. That journey goes through the Epiphany on January 6, 2023. But, for those traversing the Road of Faith, our journey goes on well beyond that. We see down the Road of Faith a cross looming ahead. Even that cross is not the end of the road.

The three came seeking, bringing great gifts fit for a great King. They went home “a different way” (Matthew 2:22), changed forever by what they witnessed in the manger.

We have encountered the child in a more significant way than the magi, we have the knowledge of exactly Who lies there and exactly what He came to be and do. We have met the child King and resurrected Lord. We have made our proclamation “my Lord and my God” (John 20:28) and I pray, given our greatest gift to the King. The gift He desires most – our heart and trust.

Go forth ‘a different way’ than you approached this Christmas. Go forward along the Road of Faith, changed forever by what you saw.