Praise Monday – The Holy Bible

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“All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

What better way to start a week than in praise? This week’s “Praise Monday” is a bit different, it’s not a song, but it’s inspired much of the Christian praise music and the songs we sing in Mass – today we praise with the Bible.

The Bible itself claims to be inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16-17), but is there evidence to support this claim? Do we have proof of the inspiration of the Bible? Several lines of evidence exist to reveal how God has divinely inspired Scripture.

First, fulfilled prophecy offers evidence to support God’s inspiration of Scripture. Specific fulfillments in the life of Jesus were used by the early church to prove to Jews that Jesus was the Christ. Apollos “powerfully refuted the Jews in public, showing by the Scriptures that the Christ was Jesus” (Acts 18:28).

Regarding Jesus, the Bible predicted hundreds of years in advance that, among other things, He would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14), would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), would be introduced by a messenger (John the Baptist, Isaiah 40:3), would be rejected by the Jews (Isaiah 53:3), would be pierced in His side (Zechariah 12:10; John 19:34), and would suffer crucifixion (Psalm 22:16-18; John 19:23-24). Each of these prophecies was fulfilled exactly, yet was predicted hundreds of years in advance.

Second, the unity of the Bible is a proof of its inspiration. It was written by about 40 authors over an approximately 1,500-year period in three languages on three continents. Its authors ranged from kings to shepherds and scholars to fishermen, yet offer a consistent theme regarding key teachings. Amazingly, there is not one clear contradiction in the Bible, an impossible achievement for a book so diverse apart from God’s inspiration.

Third, many historical and archaeological findings support the accuracy and reliability of Scripture, offering additional proof of the inspiration of the Bible. From the kings of Israel to the kingdoms of Babylon and Persia, the Bible speaks accurately on history at all points.

Fourth, the Bible speaks accurately regarding many areas of science long before the discoveries were made. The shape of the earth (Isaiah 40:22), valleys in the seas (2 Samuel 22:16), and the hydrological cycle (Job 26:8), for example, all express ideas not discovered until long after being mentioned in Scripture. This serves as another piece of evidence, a proof, of the inspiration of the Bible.

Last, the men who wrote the New Testament believed it so strongly that all suffered for these words. Most died defending them. All lived by these truths and passed them along until even our day.

These and other examples help to show the Bible is no ordinary book. In fact, it is the only book in human history to include such a wide variety of information that is completely accurate and yet speaks even of future events in detail without conflict or error. Such accuracy helps provide evidence of the divine nature of the Bible and support the Bible’s own claims that it is inspired by God. We have much that serves as proof for the inspiration of the Bible and ample reason to trust what the Bible says.


  1. Yesterday wrapped up a virtual weekend Bible retreat hosted by Fr. Mike Schmitz and Jeff Cavins through Ascension Press. Low and behold Ed speaks to exactly what they asked yesterday, inspire others to read the Bible.

    I have been blessed to have been inspired by many of you and as a result have been fortunate to participate in both live and virtual Bible studies at St. Ben’s. Having moved on to another chapter in life I miss those live opportunities at St. Ben’s, but it led me to “Bible in a Year.” I know some of you participated last year and while I am only at day 51, this program provides a daily podcast of the readings and reflections spoken by Fr. Mike. The year long program is broken into 12 periods and 14 narrative and supplemental books, similar to other programs by Jeff Cavins.

    For more information go

    God bless.

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