Praise Monday – Still

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What better way to start a new week than with praise to our Magnificent God?

Normally, I include Bible verses associated with praise on these “Praise Monday” reflections, but today will be a little different. There is just one verse from scripture that comes to when I pray this song. If one thinks about it, what better way to offer praise to our God than to be still and trust in His power, glory and majesty?

“Be still and know that I AM God” Psalm 45:10

A soul gives great praise to God in the silence of its trusting heart. Knowing God is God and that no matter what tempest may rise gives great praise to God. Not all praise needs be sung out. Trust is something glorifying God within the silence of the heart. Our greatest power comes when the storm strikes full force against us, people attack to sink our ship (that is our faith and peace). In that moment when we drop to our knees, tears of suffering in our eyes, arms raised in purest trust, we become powerful. It isn’t because of our strength, skill or even faith that we grow powerful. It is all because God is God and we are letting Him be Who He is. I AM.

Set this song in your heart for the storm happening now or someday in the future. And, be still know God is God.