“God desires me to allow myself to be guided entirely by the Holy Spirit. My life should be a continuous praise of love. I should lose myself in God and always contemplate Him without ever losing sight of Him.” St Teresa of the Andes
What better way to look at a Monday and start a week than by praising our God?
The Eucharist. By definition in the Catechism, the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life (CCC 1324).
This song softly and powerfully draw us into that Eucharistic want. A desire in our heart which should outweigh all others. Jesus did this all that we could always call to mind His sacrifice for us. He left us this great Sacrament that we can always know He is near at hand. Today as you listen to these lyrics, let your heart be drawn to the Eucharist. Think of the last time you received Him. Let your desires build for your next Eucharistic encounter.
Make the Eucharist the “the source and summit” of your day, of your whole life.
““Let all on earth worship and sing praise to you, sing praise to your name!” Psalm 67:4