Praise Monday – Put Out Into the Deep

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Help me to trust You, Lord!

What would it look like if we submitted our entire will to God? What kind of an impact would we have on the world? How fulfilling and peaceful would life become?

While these are difficult questions to answer, they are worth considering. The Saints are examples of those who embraced God’s will for their lives. But we tell ourselves that saints are different – that they have a predisposition toward holiness that we don’t have. So we become content with our mediocre, lukewarm lives without truly diving into the life that God is offering us. We skate through life and make decisions our way to avoid God pushing us out of our comfort zone.

As the author and perfecter of life, God’s plans are infinitely better than anything we can come up with ourselves. So why are we so resistant to God’s presence in our lives? Why do we resist His gentle call to go deeper, climb higher, and know Him better in this life and to transform our lives? As St. Augustine said, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you” but so often we repel the urge to fulfill the deepest part of our souls.

God is calling us to a deeper life than what is physically right in front of us. He wants us to experience the fullness of what He designed for us, but we have to be open to His direction. We have to be willing to “put out into the deep.”