Praise Monday – One More Song For You

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“Yet, my heart senses You, and my trust grows, and I see all Your omnipotence which upholds me. With You, Jesus, I go through life, amid storms and rainbows, with a cry of joy, singing the song of Your mercy. I will not stop singing my song of love until the choir of Angels picks it up. There is no power that can stop me in my flight toward God.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 761

Are you willing to let God’s Divine Will, rainbows or storms, be the song of your life? Will you always raise your voice in praise of God?

There is no better way to praise Your name and majesty then when you sing this song with your life. It is then, maybe unaware, that you find one more hand in the air saying, “You are holy” and one more shattered heart singing, “You are good”. You will hear one more voice crying out for mercy and see one more hungry soul declaring, “You’re enough”

With God, there truly is no power that can stop or hinder you. Never stop singing, lift your voice in praise that the choirs of angels sing in harmony with you (don’t worry if you can’t carry a note – God will love the song). I pray all those on the Road of Faith always as long as there’s breath in you.

As long as I have breath and beyond, I pray, I will be singing His Praise.

Lord, there will always be…One more song for You.