Praise Monday – Be Not Afraid to How Great Thou Art

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This week’s Praise Monday is a double feature. God reminded me this morning of my transitional growth from fear into trust with these songs.

What better way to look at a Monday and start a week than by praising our God?

““Let all on earth worship and sing praise to you, sing praise to your name!” Psalm 67:4

This morning my heart is overfilled with joy to the point of tears as I sing….

Many years ago I had allowed my faith to collapse. I lost trust in God and His great power and promises. See my book, “I Knew His Voice” on Amazon (paperback/kindle) for details. I went through some very dark days in my heart – my soul continued to cry out to God though my mind stopped seeking Him. God fought through and turned my soul and heart around.

Days after things started changing (no kidding and no coincidence) , I was asked to give a talk about trusting God. With this talk came a song as introduction. I chose “Be Not Afraid” to set things up. Several months of preparation for the event and talk followed. I was still scarred and unsure because of the events over the prior year. Mostly, I wasn’t sure what trusting God meant. So, I did the only thing I could think of, start with the basics. What does trust mean? Trust: firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. As the months progressed my talk wrote itself from this simple starting place.

I entered to this song filling my heart. As I gave my prepared talk, I realized the change within my heart that had transpired over the past months. When I started this process I had been afraid, ‘Be Not Afraid’ was like an anthem and a call to myself to have heart.

But, from the simple definition starting point and with St. Faustina’s and Jesus’ tutelage and guidance, by the time I gave the talk, my song should have been ‘How Great Thou Art’ and ‘How Great Is Our God.” “You shall cross the barren desert” and “stand before the powers of Hell” took on their true meaning within my heart. Now, standing in full trust of God, these lyrics made my heart sing out “How great is Our God? Oh God, how great Thou art!”

There is no fire that can harm you when you trust. And, when you trust is in Jesus is complete, not even all the powers of hell can stand against you or hurt you. For our God is a great and awesome God.

Declare it! Today, sing with me….