Praise Holy – You Are Holy

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Once me in the series but hopefully just the start of our cries of Holy, Holy, Holy to our God in praise.

“You Are Holy” always lifts my heart as I remember praising with 350 teens at a retreat. Girls sang their part, boys belted out in reply. “You Are Holy”

To me, there is nothing like lifting heart and hands in praise of God. Except maybe doing so in the Church with dozens or better, thousands of brothers and sisters. That’s a reason Praise Nation PGH and Emmaus are so special to me – communities built upon the foundation of praising our Lord.

Imagine when the WHOLE Church someday stands before the throne of God, throwing down her crowns and lifting up voices in single unity of praise and worship.

Start today – praise God in His Holy, Holy, Holy nature now and everyday til we stand side by side at His glorious throne.

“You Are Holy”