Pentecost preparation

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On Pentecost Sunday, we read how the apostles needed the Holy Spirit to empower them to discern and act upon the will of God. St. Faustina had a God-given inclination to totally rely on the Holy Spirit. Her Diary includes numerous references about the importance of having the Spirit involved in every facet of her existence.

This evening, I prepared with great care and prayed long to the Holy Spirit that He might deign to grant me His light and take me under His special guidance.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 1174

I call upon TheRoadofFaith community to make these last days approaching Pentecost, days of preparation.  Make a place for the Holy Spirit to pour Himself fully into our hearts through the intercession of the Immaculata, Mary most holy and St. Faustina.  Open our hearts to what the Spirit is speaking to the world through our hearts.

“Oh, if souls would only be willing to listen, at least a little, to the voice of conscience and the voice – that is, the inspirations – of the Holy Spirit! I say “at least a little” because once we open ourselves to the influence of the Holy Spirit, He Himself will fulfill what is lacking in us.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 359

We are all called to cast our nets into the deep (Luke 5:4) and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19), never on our own but always with the assistance and guidance of the Holy Spirit.  As we open our hearts to His presence and get to know Him more intimately, the soul will grow in awe of the immensity of God and His love and Divine Mercy for it.  
“O Jesus, keep me in holy fear, so that I may not waste graces. Help me to be faithful to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. Grant that my heart may burst for love of You, rather than I should neglect even one act of love for You.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 1557

Pray for an outpouring of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Counsel, Fortitude, Piety and Fear of the Lord.

Wisdom allows the soul to recognize the importance of others and the importance of keeping God central in our lives.  St. Bernard says this is ‘the supernatural Gift of the Holy Spirit that enables us to know God and to rejoice in perfect love.’

Understanding is the ability to comprehend the meaning of God’s message.  This gift enables the soul to know and comprehend the mysteries of faith more clearly.  Through Understanding, faith ceasing being sterile and inspires a life that bears witness to the faith that is in the soul

Knowledge allows the soul to think about and explore God’s revelation and recognize there are mysteries of faith beyond us.  With Knowledge, the soul puts first things first and values its relationship with God above all things.

Counsel is the ability to see the best way to follow God’s plan and moves the soul to choose what will most glorify God and lead to its own and other’s salvation. 

Fortitude is simply the courage to do what the soul knows is right.  This gift destroys all natural fear and timidity, strengthening the soul to hate sin and to practice virtues, to practice the virtues in heroic manner.

Piety helps us to pray to God in true devotion.  This brings great reverence for God and Divine things into the soul and allows it to find joy in prayer.  The pious soul delights in doing the will of the Father and has at heart all that tends to the honor and glory of God.

Fear of the Lord is a feeling of awe before God.  Heroic Fear of the Lord is a childlike view of God that urges the soul to avoid the least sin to not displease God.  This is a very noble and beautiful gift.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.  O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Bring Your Fire this Pentecost!  Let Your Fire fall!