Part of a greater plan

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“The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away…” Job 1:21

How true this is. There are times in life when we experience the abundant consolation of God. It may be at moments of great family joy, or when we experience the unconditional love of another. At times we sense the powerful presence of God in our life of prayer and are filled with joy.

But there are many other moments in life when God seems distant and our souls feel desolate. Do not worry about this. If this is caused by sin, then face that sin, confess it and move on. God’s Mercy is greater and has a short memory to confesses sin.

If the moment is not a result of any sin, then know it’s an opportunity for you to deepen your faith and your love of God despite how you feel. This is a true grace and we should be grateful that God loves us enough to call us to faith even when we feel very little inside.

Times of desolation and even within ‘the Dark Night of the soul’ are all part of a bigger plan by God. These moments may seem totally overwhelming and unbearable to us while we are in them, but we need to keep fighting through. Maintain your faith even when faith seems to have abandoned all hope. The Lord has faith in you. Otherwise He wouldn’t be allowing this moment of great growth to occur.

I’ve walked through the valley of darkness. At times this journey was due to my own choices in sinfulness. Other times, it has been the Lord Who set the path upon me. I know now in hindsight that none of these desolate journeys were without purpose. Every journey, whether through sinfulness or God’s push have helped grow me to whom I am now and more importantly, who I will be.

The darkest of night seems full of terrors, but when we hold onto the hope of Jesus and faith in the Father’s Divine Will and plan, there is always a flicker of light. The smallest light overcomes the darkness.

Keep in your soul the confident knowledge that God never, ever leaves you alone. If He is allowing the dark night, it is so you may be tempered and grow stronger.

He has faith in your faith and strength.

“Today, I feel such desolation in my soul that I do not know how to explain it even to myself. I would like to hide from people and cry endlessly. No one understands a heart wounded by love, and when such a heart feels itself abandoned interiorly, no one can comfort it.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 943