Our Duty (and Joy)

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“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:28-29

This is known as the Great Commission. It was the last recorded personal directive of the Savior to his disciples, and it holds great significance to all followers of Christ to today.

I heard a story recently of a priest. It was before Pearl Harbor and the US government had instructed all citizens to leave Japan. This priest was waiting at the terminal to leave when a Japanese man approached and bowed to him. The man asked, “may I have a moment, Father?” “Sure.” The man said, “I have studied Marx. He is a horrible man with teaching of socialism and Communism that are pure evil.” He continued, “I have studied Mao and his philosophies. Avian, I see nothing good.” (Communism and Maoism have murdered millions) “But, from my studies of your Jesus Christ…. They seem real. They seem to me to be the Truth. The only way to true knowledge and freedom.” The priest looked at the man surprised at his words. The man paused for a minute before continuing. “Father, you have a great responsibility to tell of this man and lead people to His way.”

Not long ago I was talking with Father Charon of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church. Understand, Father Jason is one of the most holy and reverential priests and men I have ever met. In my view, he does more to bring people to Christ than 99% of our priests. We were taking about our responsibility to tell of Jesus. He said, “I have great fear of the day I meet God.” I was stunned. He continued, “we all have a duty to lead people to Jesus. It was His last command, not a statement or request, but truly a command. As a priest, it is a heavier burden to bear.”

We are given the commission, a direct order by Jesus Himself. One could say, His last Will and testament. These were the last words the last words St. Matthew records. I’d say that is pretty big. The last words of the Bible, the absolute last words of Jesus recorded in Scripture, confirms the importance of this order. “The one who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Revelation 22:20. These words assure us of the fact that Jesus is coming soon. What if we hold back the truth of this coming? Of the great joy found in “the Way, the Truth and the Life” John 14:6

It is a great order. And, in the Air Force I learned that one always obeys lawful orders given by their superiors. Failure to follow and carry out those orders will have great repercussions and punishments. There is none higher than God. This is the greatest of orders.

But, this is an order that should come with great joy. When we tell others of the joy we know and experience in knowing Jesus, Jesus Himself spotlights that joy within our hearts and lives. We face depression often when we hold back sharing the good news that we know. We face this because we are hiding it from ourselves as well as others. Let the joy of knowing Jesus shine within your heart. The rest of the “Great Commission” comes easy. People see it shining even when we don’t say a word. But, when we open our mouth to the joy of knowing Jesus…the world can be changed to that soul.

Do you share the joy of knowing Jesus? Let the fruit shared by great and holy priests and men/women of God become the seed that grows into great harvests fro your soul. Then, be sure to share your story with those around you, they may need to know of Jesus more than you know.