Opening the gifts

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We have spent the past several days scripturally reflecting upon the virtue of humility. Humility is both a gift and virtue given to a soul as the key to opening oneself to all the Holy Spirit has to offer.

Like our Blessed Mother, when we say yes to God and open our souls to this virtue In a supernatural manner, we too in a sense bring Jesus present to the world. This is the trust that Jesus spoke to St. Faustina about. Humbling ourselves that we no longer see ourselves as god, we recognize that we do not have control. We come to Him as a beggar with empty hands. This act of humility opens the door to the Gift of Faith.

I believe the Holy Spirit ‘plants’ the Gift of Faith as a seed into our souls. This seed can be so small that it remains unseen for a lifetime. But, once given Light and Water (living water) in a meeting with the person of Christ, this seed can grow into the mightiest of trees. And, from this single tree can grow a forest.
Faith is like that. One tree does not grow alone. If planted in the right soul and given the right care, other trees will sprout and grow around it. But, I get away from my thought.

For the soul to be ready on Pentecost to receive the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit and all His Gifts, the soul needs to find in itself a simple seed of faith. Without faith one cannot have hope of opening the gifts the Holy Spirit offers. But, without humility, the soul cannot accept the Spirit’s presence and offering.

God turns fully to the humble soul. He opens the window to His Wisdom in this soul. “When pride comes, then comes disgrace but with the humble is wisdom.” Proverbs 11-2

Pride for me, like many, is the foundation of all my sins. God humbled me and brought me to my lowest place through my dark night. It was only then that I stopped looking down and around me and began to look up. It was then that I finally saw God. It was from this place of broken humility that the Father lifted me. I found the Divine Mercy and finally can say the words that give consolation to Jesus, ‘Jesus, I trust in You’

Jesus taught in the Beatitudes: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 5:3). C.S. Lewis said, “As long as you are proud you cannot know God.” We must strive to be humble souls. Even so, humility is said to be one of the most difficult virtues to acquire. Yet we must be humble in order to be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Reflect often on the scriptures I shared the past days and from now until at least Pentecost, prayer the Litany of Humility. Then, with this new humble soul, ask for God to make Himself present and open His Gifts within you. For His glory.