I sit here this evening watching the sun set, thinking about God. This is time we should all spend in meditation at least weekly if not more often. The contemplation of God the Father and the sacrifice and love shown through Jesus Christ is a valuable part of our Christian walk on the Road of Faith. To sit quietly and ponder the Holy Spirit is to sit at the feet of Jesus our Master.
“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever. This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you.” John 14:16:17
So, as I sit tonight thinking of God, many things run through my mind. All peaceful thoughts resting upon my soul as I feel His Holy Presence draw near. It is like Jesus is sitting in the chair next to me, listening and guiding my meditation.
He asks me, “Ed, who do you say I Am?”
This is the thought upon which I mediate. Who is Jesus to me? Who is God to me?
I ask you to co wider this question. Take time when you can find your quiet space to focus upon this question. “Who do you say I Am?”
But, I am going to put this specific challenge to this meditation. Post on comments on www.theroadoffaith.net one word that to you describes Who God is to you. Not what others say or what the Catechism or Church says, your one word description to the world of Whom God is to you.
Many thoughts flutter through my thoughts, “Prince of Peace” because of the image on this post – the man Who came to my daughter. “My Lord and My God“, my exclamation with Thomas. “My Savior” Who rescued me. “My Safeguard and Shield.” So many more. But, all the descriptions, all the answers I return to Jesus as He sits patiently beside me are more than a single word.
So, I sit quietly gazing into His beautiful, mystifying eyes and think. The minutes pass, no rush. No impatience coming from Jesus for ‘the right answer.’ He knows this exercise is perfect in its timing and response – even if it takes an eternity to find the right word. Then, suddenly, He smiles as He sees the word come to my mind but the flash in my eye.
“I am Love and Mercy itself. When a soul approaches Me with trust, I fill it with such an abundance of graces that it cannot contain them within itself, but radiates them to other souls.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1074
Again, I ask that share the one word that to you describes Who God is to you. Go to www.theroadoffaith.net and post in the comments to this blog post that one word.
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