One of the Few

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“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”” Matthew 9:37-38

Talk about a passage for our age! Wow!

In today’s world there seem to be fewer and fewer Catholics who are courageous enough to profess the faith of Jesus in His Church. To many, and too few of those even, it is ok to be Catholic at church on Sunday, but only the morning. Maybe, for the fewer still, it is ok to pray grace before meals at home – maybe because the kids are there and they should see prayer.

But, too few are willing to “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19) in the world.

For instance, the sign of the cRoss is a very powerful consecration and prayer we Catholics make, especially before and after prayer and upon entering a Church with Jesus present. But, how many Catholics are willing to make the sign of the cross in public? Yea, the odd sports player is seen doing this before coming to bat but what about you? Are you willing to stand before men, out there in the public eye, and make the sign of the cross. I don’t make a quick one, slipped in secretly. But, to make a sign of the cross in full.

You say grace before meals at home, maybe at a church event when the priest leads, but what about in the restaurant? Again, I don’t mean a quick, silent bow of the head, but, with a sign of the cross and slowly, out loud. I’m not saying to shout it out over the chatter but loud enough that all at your table can participate together.

A big one for Father Larry, if you have your Bible with you always, raise it high. How many are willing to read the Bible in public? How many Catholics do you see even carrying a Bible? Or bringing a Bible to Mass? On retreat or at a church event, how many could raise their Bible when asked? The Bible is a powerful piece of our faith. The Bible exists because the Catholic Church brought the books together, preserving these great teachings and events. This is the textbook of Heaven, we should always have our nose in it.

Just a few, more personal examples of becoming a ‘laborer’ in the fields of the world. There are so many more, evangelizing publicly, speaking the words and teachings of God in the public forum (ie. at work), simply being a public Catholic. Never settling to conform in a world professing sin as freedom but standing vocally and tall for God’s words and teaching. Even if it costs a lot.

Someday things will come to pass on earth that will open the eyes of many to their sin and dark lives. Those standing in darkness will see the light and want to come to it. The world will try to turn their eyes from the light back to its sin. Will you be the faithful laborer who calls to this soul to keep their eyes on the light? How will they know to look for you, or that you are a light they can trust, if you are willing to be one of the few now?