God is looking for you to take one step to reach out to someone today, this week. For you to speak to that one person to tell of His love and mercy.
God starts this great movement, it begins with just you. Are you ready?
“Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope.” 1 Peter 3: 15
You need to walk through your day with head up and eyes open, including and most especially, your eyes of faith. Don’t miss the soul placed before your path because you are so focused on getting somewhere or doing something. Always be mindful and watching for opportunities. They could be seated to the side or not look like you’d expect.
Just as important, be ready with your message. You may only have a minute or a whole meal to tell of Jesus in your life. Prepare and practice both. For me, the hardest part often if the ice breaker or transition to a discussion of faith.
“So make up your minds not to prepare your defense in advance; for I will give you words and a wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to withstand or contradict.” Luke 21:14-15
Nothing wrong with preparing the story beforehand. Don’t fret about the moment, if you know your own story. Yes, Jesus says to trust Him to give you the words at the right moment, but, I’ve met too many people who didn’t even know their own story or that they had a story. Study your story. Just like studying the Bible, at the right time the right verse or parable will come to mind. If you know how Jesus made a difference in your life, you will be ready whenever and however the opportunity presents.
Ask me to tell about how God touched my life in just about any way or moment, I will. I don’t say that to be prideful. I’ve spent a lot of time in my journal, in prayer and discussions and on The Road of Faith, thinking about how God played a role in many aspects of my life and faith journey. I love thinking about Jesus, the Holy Spirit and my Father and how they interacted throughout my life to get me from point A to here along my Road of Faith. God has touched my life to help me see who I am, my growth, my prayer life, my study time in the Bible or other books. He has helped me see the Sacraments more clearly and to trust His power. He has healed my sight and my soul through His magnificent power and love. He has played a major part in my relationships with my wife, kids and grandkids and friends. He is the reason I praise and the reason I do any works.
Spend time today and every day thinking of your story of how God has touched your life, how He has loved you. Find time in this story ‘writing’ to give Him thanks and praise.
Be ready to tell His story in your life the next time He puts you on the spot.
I look forward to telling people about Jesus.
I have done it before and yes the words came out so easy. It’s been some time since I have done it again. I will keep trying
Please keep me In you prayers. The problem I have is between what’s not mine and the lord. I redeemed myself.
Thanks Joan
Surrender is the hardest part of giving our life and even sin over to God.
Recognizing that opportunity when we’re ‘on the spot’ takes a lot of work and attention – sometimes even taking the steps to put us in that position