#$@% off the Enemy

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“Oh, if in this whole matter the glory of God and the profit to souls were not greatly served, Satan would not be opposing it so much. But he senses what he is going to lose because of it. I have now learned that Satan hates mercy more than anything else. It is his greatest torment.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 764

What can a soul do against Satan? This is the ‘biggest’ of God’s angels – fallen from grace for not being able to accept God’s plan for men. What can a soul do against this immensity of creature?

Go to Confession! The mercy of God, Divine Mercy given a sinful soul, #$@%es off the enemy more than anything. He and his fallen demons work so hard to capture and destroy a soul. I haven’t read it in a bit but I remember how angered demons became when a soul turned toward God.

Have you ever had obstacles fall in your path preventing your going to Confession? Have you ever felt ‘nerves’ or stressed standing outside the confessional? These are just a couple examples of the enemy fighting to keep you from God’s Mercy.

So, how do you fight against this battle with the enemy? Run to Confession! As he attacks to prevent you from repentance, run faster!

As the soul comes again and again to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the soul is strengthen to the fight. The soul is armored in the Divine Mercy of God. The soul is strengthened to stand stronger and more firmly against sin. Slowly, over time, the sins into which the soul would have fallen get cutoff at the point of temptation.

Satan gained nothing by tempting you, because you did not enter into conversation with him. Continue to act in this way. You gave Me great glory today by fighting so faithfully. Let it be confirmed and engraved on your heart that I am always with you, even if you don’t feel My presence at the time of battle.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1499