Obedience – our Lady of Lourdes

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“It is because i am so weak that I dare to receive god who is so great” St Bernadette 

This isn’t the reflection originally written for today but during Mass this morning I heard our Mother speaking in my heart.  She told me, “My soul magnifies the Lord and your soul can as well if you just do whatever He asks of you”

This is obedience on the level of our Blessed Mother, a simple fist given not in our ability but in our smallness.

The Blessed Mary was not exalted because she was so awesome, it was because of her humility that God exalted her.  For God has exalted ‘the lowliness of his handmaiden’ in HIS power we are made great, as she proclaimed ‘The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. His mercy is from age to age’. It is through Mary that we see the magnificence of God in her Divine Son, Jesus.

Like this picture, we don’t see power because of our power, no- when we give our obedient yes to Jesus, HIS power shines through our actions. In our weakness and the recognition of our humble state, we see the great and mighty power of God cone alive and do magnificent things.  And in His power, we ‘can do greater things than these’ John 14:12-14

We should follow Mother’s example in true and complete obedience to give our fiat to let God all-mighty work wonders in our lives.  For when we are weak He is strong and in our weakness His power is manifest.  

Do not fear to be great, don’t let the enemy tell you that you can’t or if you try you’ll just fail.  No!  Proclaim in your own Magnificat that ‘The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.’  For we are truly by simple fiat, obedience, called to and given power to do ‘greater things’

““My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.... For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:9,11

Lord today, this moment I renew my fiat, my simple yes, and ask the ‘Immaculate Conception’, Your blessed mother to wash my weak yes in her Immaculate mantle, the mantle of her perfect humility and make my weakness powerful in Your Might that through the perfect love of Your Holy Spirit my fear may be washed away that I may do great things in Your Holy Name.  In Your Mercy and Name I pray.

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