Now And At The Hour

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Hail Mary, full of grace, blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and and the hour of death. Amen.

This days come to a close. Time’s end approaches. Life as we have known it is coming to an end. As Joseph and Mary approach Bethlehem, the end approaches.

So, this morning, sitting in the darkness, I contemplate the end. The end that sits in silence. The end in a dark night and of darkness. The end that breaks through. The end that is only a beginning. As the darkness of night descends in these final moments, we need to go to Mary and walk with her. This Blessed Woman will take us along the journey to witness the greatest light as she becomes the Blessed Mother of the Son of God and later, our Mother.

As we move forward into the darkest days that lay ahead for us, she holds to our hand to comfort us forward from darkness into light. The world waits, Heaven’s hosts hold their breath in anticipation. Creation groans. Death itself trembles before the coming ‘silent night’

It may seem strange to focus a reflection just before the celebration of our Lord’s incarnation and birth. I guess, in a sense I can agree. But, the darkness and anticipation that lay upon the land as Joseph and Mary approached Bethlehem was heavy. Joseph felt sorry to get his bride to the city as the time was fast approaching and Mary felt the press of the passion even then. Like our death, this dark night is just a momentary passing of time that leads to the dawn and first sight of Christ born among men. Jesus cried out that morning as an infant, our soul cries out in fear of what’s to come in that moment of death. The common factor linking all is Mary. She sat there holding Jesus to bring His body peace in the cold just as she will sit with the soul passing from life to warm and comfort it along the way to meeting her son.

At every hour find time and urgency to rest your prayerful hands within the Mother’s loving hands. She will carry you through any darkness toward Jesus. She is the comforter of our soul along life’s journey, leading us lovingly to Jesus. The infant she carries tonight to the manger.

Lift your prayers to the Blessed Mother, now and at the hour….