Not ashamed

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“I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith” Romans 1:16

“Do not be ashamed, then, of the testimony about our Lord” 2 Timothy 1:8

Do you find yourself at times being afraid or nervous about showing your faith outwardly or ‘preaching the Gospel’?  Look at the disciples of Jesus.  They walked with the Lord for 3 years and saw everything He had done but in the days after the crucifixion, they hid.  ‘the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews’ John 20:19  They had seen Jesus heal lepers, blind, lame and raise the dead.  They had heard His talks and then spent time around the fire in the evenings getting personal instruction on what He had said and meant.  But, in those days locked behind doors, they had a difficult time remembering.  They hid in shame and fear, they were confused and lost.

But, the Lord didn’t call them because they were qualified.  Jesus equipped them through His call.  Jesus knew they would fall.  But, He didn’t hold their failures against them.  When He first came to them in that locked room, Jesus didn’t give them a chance to resist Him or wallow in their sins, His first words were what they needed most.  Forgiveness.  “Peace be with you” John 20:19

He gave them a great gift in allowing them to walk this path, even in falling.  St. Faustina explains this very well, “I know very well what I am of myself, because for this purpose, Jesus has opened the eyes of my soul, I am an abyss of misery, and hence I understand that whatever good there is, in my soul consists solely of His Holy Grace.”  Divine Mercy in my soul # 56

We are called by the Lord “with a holy calling, not according to our works but according to His own purpose and grace.  This grace was given to us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, but it now been revealed” 2 Timothy 1:9-10 

It is by the grace and call of God that we are called.  When we recognize this, despite our failings, we give great glory to God’s Divine Mercy and to His power and presence.

We all face our challenges.  Fear of my inadequacies or of what others may think me.  Worry that I am not qualified to stand before ‘the world’ or even my neighbor to speak of the greatness of such an Immense God.  These are all very real and normal worries.  But, remember, it is Jesus Who chose YOU, not you who chose Him (John 15:16) and if He chose you, won’t He give you what you need to accomplish His mission (Matthew 7:11)? He doesn’t always call the great scholar or saint to speak of His Mercy and Gospel.  Quite often, Jesus picks those who aren’t qualified in any way to be His Voice and Hands on earth.  In this soul, He is most glorified.

I am not in any way qualified nor deserving of His Call.  There are so many men and women in my life who I would select ahead of me.  But, Jesus didn’t see things that way nor did He take my no as a final answer.  He saw His plan for me and then patiently has spent my whole life teaching me to carry it out.  In the past two decades, since I claimed my faith, I have been open to what Jesus asks of me but in the past year, I have truly begun to accept this mission. 

My wife and I were prayed over this Pentecost for an outpouring the all the Holy Spirit has in store.  The prayers called this power down upon me and at the same time showed me how much has already been received.  The Spirit broke the lies of the enemy that told me I was inadequate for the mission.  I am still very inadequate for all God is calling of me, but it is now very clear that this doesn’t matter to God.  He sees more and just asks for a yes and then action.

Ask God for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in a great gift of clarity.  Clarity of both His Mission for your life as well as how He is enabling you to carry out the mission.  Then, step forward.  Inaction is not an option.  Your fiat and step forward will give great consolation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and show a great level of trust in the omnipotence of the Father.  Claiming this mission with both hands will break the power of the enemy’s whispering in your heart and actually take strength from his lies in the trust of God’s vision for you.

I am not ashamed to be called to be the saint God sees in my potential.  Now it is time to step boldly our of the boat.

“Tell the world about My Goodness, and thus you will comfort My Heart” Divine Mercy in my soul # 580

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