My Lamp

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“The power of evil around us is no match for the power of God within us” Archbishop Fulton Sheen

In the reflections over the past weeks, I’ve talked of times of struggle, desolation and darkness.  I’ve shown how God uses those times to rebuild my soul, forged in the flames of the Spirit and called back to a new life.

The enemy took the opportunity to attack me and would seem to have nearly been victorious.  When I look at all those days, I can clearly see the darkness, feel the heat of menacing breath on my back.  But, I also see the whole time what I can only describe as lamp posts. God has given me vision to see that period ina different manner.  He has shown me that I was walking in a very dark area along a path. I see myself walking in a very dark forboding forest, wolves out somewhere in the black, can’t see them but oh no doubt of their presence.  The air is cold and it permeates me deeply. But as scary as this scene looks, I notice there are lamp posts along the path I walk. Not bright but given off enough light that I can clearly see the path at my feet.  Without this light, I could easily wander into the trees around me and be lost forever.

I see in this vision that while I had to walk a dark road for a time, God never left me.  He let me walk the path I had chosen but always kept His Light upon the path. He let me feel the darkness but never left His Light off my path so I could never become lost.  And when I started to ‘get scared’, started to notice how dark it was, His Lights started to brighten and He led me from the darkness into a great Light.

Since that day I have never been the same.  I am still a work in progress for sure. But, now through the grace of God, His Divine Mercy and St Faustina’s guidance, I am confident of my Father’s love and protection.

The enemy had a chance but the Spirit had already laid claim to my soul, lifting His banner over me in defense.

“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God”. John 1:12

I have claimed my power and rights as a son of the King of kings.  Come to know God for His deep love of you – if you have any worries, fears or concerns of this fact, please reach out to me.  Let me tell you how much the Father adores you.