My Father God

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“Know that My eyes follow every move of your heart with great attention. I am bringing you into seclusion so that I Myself may form your heart according to My future plans”. Divine mercy in my soul #797

Through everything God is Father but His love is so much more intimate than that. I’ve come to call Him, Papa God.  I have felt our relationship grow so much that Father with a capital ‘F’ doesn’t seem right. Yes He is God Almighty but He wants to be our father.  No doubt I know that God the Father is still God Almighty, King and ruler of all creation. But, He also adores each individual soul He created so much that His Son left His throne in Heaven to come and die a horrible death, wrapped in it’s sin, so that soul could know Him.

I feel more now that my ‘secret room’ of prayer is that place that it can just be me and God.  Nobody else matters or gets in.

I guess I am spoiled because I had a dad on earth that showed me fatherly love in a way that I did what he told me, not from fear of punishment but truly because I honored him and loved him.  That is what I’m coming to with my Heavenly Father.

When I first came to God nearly 20 years ago now, I came from fear of punishment in hell – a heart turned on imperfect contrition.  But over the years, God took what I gave Him and has shown me more. Finding Divine Mercy has truly been the catalyst to set me free.

Let Jesus tell you about His love in Divine Mercy and claim you’re right to call God your Father?  Your Papa? Be set free in His love!!

“And because you are children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”“. Galatians 4:6. “Abba Father” = Papa Father