Mother of Mercy

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Mary is the Mother of Hope because she never doubts the promises of God.  She is the Mother of Mercy because she carries the Mercy of God to us through Her Son Jesus Christ from her fiat with Gabriel to the cross and the grave. 

Look at all our Blessed Mother endured – “sword will pierce your own soul too.” Luke 2:35.  She always stayed on ‘mission’, she was always united to the Divine Will of God. She rested in peace with His Will from her first Fiat, she is our Lady of Peace because she fully trusts God.  

Any soul can have this same peace.  Just read and live according to the signature on the pairing He had St Faustina paint.  You only have to believe Jesus’ words in scripture, through Divine Mercy and the prophets.

The ruler of the world wants every soul to tremble in fear, never to even see the words ‘Jesus I trust in You’ much less live them.  The world says to be terrified and lose hope. Jesus tells us through Paul in Romans 5:5 ‘hope does not disappoint’.

I can personally attest that a soul with hope can truly move mountains.  Through the first months of my daughter’s illness, I prayed and trusted God.  I was energized by His appearance to my daughter and in the words He spoke to me on several occasions (see my book ‘I knew His Voice’).  And from the power of this faith and hope, I was an energized David standing confidently before this Goliath.

I suggest all souls focus on the hope that is Jesus.  Spend time daily in prayer, not wallowing in fear needs but giving praise and glory to God.  And in a major way to impact your heart and the world, rest in our mother’s arms. This is a very easy thing to do – just ask her for comfort and peace, she will never fail to intercede for you.  And pray the Holy Rosary.

We will not let the darkness overcome for we know Jesus has already defeated the darkness with His resurrection.  He reigns supreme – make no mistake.

A brother and I are looking at options to start a support and prayer community within this time of social distancing through a ZOOM call.  We will draw together our community to lift up praise and prayer to God in these trying days. To stand united as the Church Militant, strong in battle.

Watch for details on future posts and the events on the homepage of  my blog

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