Mission Prayer

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It’s easy to presume that everyone we know will go to Heaven. This, of course, should be our hope. But if one is to attain Heaven, there must be a true interior conversion. Each person who enters Heaven is there because of a personal decision to give one’s life to Christ and to turn from sin.

How do we assist those around us on this journey? The most important thing we can do is pray for them. At times, praying for another can seem futile and unproductive. We may not see any immediate results and conclude that praying for them is a waste of time. But do not let yourself fall into that trap. Praying for those whom God has put into your life is the greatest act of Mercy you can show them. And your prayer may actually be the key to their eternal salvation.

Don’t stop to think about it or ‘commit’ to praying later. Do it now! The soul may depend upon immediate prayer. How many times have you said. “I’ll pray for you”, and not carried through? Pray now for that person and then pray later again, and again. I challenge you in your prayer to lift your voice to God so much and so often that you feel annoying. Trust me, you aren’t annoying God, He will love to hear your prayers.

“yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will grant her justice, so that she may not wear me out by continually coming.’” Luke 18:7

It’s no secret my children have fallen away from our Catholic faith. For one reason or another, they do not attend Mass. I struggled over this and often pressed them to return. To no avail. Then, our Spiritual Director gave us great advise, “Who loves them more? Who wants them home more? Of course, God the Father. So, trust His love and their Sacraments.” So, seeing nothing is in my power, I pray and pray and pray.

Recently, we learned our one daughter who is pregnant wants to have her daughter baptized in the Church. She says she knows how important it was to her to come to Church and she wants the same for Charly. Another daughter, has some Bible passage plaques hanging on her wall. These wall hangings were given to her by me.

There is always hope when your trust God. So lift up those prayers now and often. Remember, our God is the Alpha and Omega and IAM – pray now, then and in the future. God hears all prayers.

Make it your mission to pray for those closest to you, and those in need. Pray.

One comment

  1. Ed,
    This is so true. We are commissioned to pray for others not knowing the outcome. It is our trust and faith in God that we have have complete strength from. We can be pray warriors for those in need and know our part is being done. God is in control.
    God bless you and Connie.
    YSIC, Christi

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