Mercy in faith

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Faith does not mean trusting God to stop the storm but to trust Him to strengthen us as we walk through the storm 

When I came back to my faith less than 20 years ago, I did so purely from fear of judgment and condemnation.  I knew if Jesus were to return at that moment, I was doomed. Over the next years, Jesus was at work in my heart, building faith and trust in Him that never truly existed before that day.  He was strengthening me for the fight to come. I wasn’t ready for that battle but Jesus stood by my side through it. I often point to my failure that night in the ICU but I know it started on day 1.  The morning after my daughter was diagnosed with Lupus, I cried out at God, “Why did You allow this to happen to me? Haven’t I done enough I do…”. Notice, in her diagnosis, I pointed at myself and was angry at God. But, He stood with me through it all.  See my book. “I knew His voice”, and read some of the times God spoke to me and of the miracle of His visit to my daughter.  

So many actions of Jesus that lifted me up in those moments.  He was showing Himself that I may learn to trust Him. Then He opened my eyes…

All along, I had been crying out to God to willowy the storm.  I didn’t realize until years later again with my daughter in the ICU that Jesus desires to give me the strength to walk upon the water through the storm.  

People would tell me that God gives us the grace to get through one day at a time, but I came to know that He gives us grace for this moment.  

Through many dark periods in my life, times I ran from God or didn’t have faith and trust in Him, He has always remained by my side.  And in all these lessons I’ve grown confident that He has never failed nor will He ever fail to love me. 

Trust that He won’t fail to be present now in these difficult days.  He will never distance Himself from a soul, Jesus’ heart burns with desires for all of us to look into His eyes and lose sight of everything else.  

So I challenge you, while you wash your hands to fight this virus, do so looking in the mirror and repeating three times “Jesus I trust in You”. Let your fears drain away.

“Each battle valiantly fought brings me joy, peace, light, experience and courage for the future; honor and glory to God; and in the end, for me, a reward.”  Divine Mercy in my soul # 499