Mercy – in a name

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“Jesus”. Ha!  I know that is the Name you figured I’d be reflecting upon but not exactly.  Yes, all Mercy flows from this “Name above all names”. But, actually, I am thinking of a different name, bear with me.

Let’s go back (or forward) to the resurrection.  Mary Magdalene came to the tomb that dark morning, she was in tears and despair for the loss of her beloved teacher.  Jesus had cast out 7 demons from her (John 10:9) and unlike 11 of Jesus’ disciples , she watched His passion and stood at the cross to see Jesus die. She came to mourn for her loss.  Then, seeing the stone rolled back at the tomb, she ran to tell the disciples. John and Peter ran to the tomb, Mary in tow. They saw the empty tomb and were in awe and wonder but didn’t understand and went back to their locked room.  Mary stayed behind and cried for the death and now lost body of Jesus. She takes to angels who wondered why she could be crying with this great event. Then, the moment comes, Jesus appears to her. She can’t see Him through her sorrow.  She just wants the body back so she can mourn. And Jesus says one word that opens her eyes and heart ‘Mary’. Her name…

But that still isn’t the name that I’m speaking of.  I’ll give you a hint “Thus says the Lord…I have called you by name, you are Mine”. Isaiah 43:1. Yes, the name I speak of is your name.

He day I heard Jesus call my name changed me forever.  I cried out to and at Jesus for a long time but it wasn’t until that day through the Sacrament of Mercy (Confession) that I heard Him call my name.  I used to love in a state of worry, doubts and fears. I was a quiet introvert who looked at myself as nothing special at all. Then, the Father called my name and reminded me who I am.  I am a son of the Living God, the Creator of all. The Precious Blood of Jesus has made me His brother which means we have the same Father.

When He called my name, I swear the angels sang, for the son that was blind now saw the Truth.

We are all living in a world and time of fear.  Things out there could be terrifying if you let them grab hold.  I’m not saying to not be cautious – no. What I’m saying is to throw your trust in Jesus.  No matter what happens, God is in total control.  

Now that sports are gone, work is cut back and can’t go out to the movies, quiet your heart and listen.  Listen for Jesus to say your name, the Father to “call you by name”. There is nothing more beautiful to the soul than to hear God, in total love, say your name.