Mercy and talents

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Matthew 25:14-30 – the Parable of the Talents

I’m not including the full text of Jesus’ words in this parable, we know it – read it again and focus on what it speaks to us now, in this current situation.

I was praying with a group of friends a couple evenings ago and during prayer, Jesus spoke to my heart.  He told me, “My son, I have given you many talents.  In these days, I am asking how you will invest these talents with which I’ve gifted you.  When these days are passed, I will settle accounts. Will you use these talents to give back to Me a stronger church?

In these days, all the news is frightening, people are reacting in a panic mentality, and all we hear is the worst is yet to come.  The Lord has given us, His church, many talents to share – maybe the greatest gift is that of hope. We know that no matter what is going on out there, Jesus Christ is Sovereign, God has full control.  

If we truly believe God, everything He has always said and done, in His deep love for us (He proved this in the passion and death of His Son), then we need to live in the fiat and exclaim “Jesus I trust in You”, even if just within our heart.  And from this trust and faith, we need to become the light. In this dark and fearful world, that doesn’t know what we know, we can ignite a passion for God and draw people to turn to God and pray. We are destined for this moment, for this great opportunity to show God to a scared world – to find peace in Jesus.  And, then, we give ‘back to Jesus a stronger church’ when this clears and He comes to ‘settle accounts’.

“In Christ we have also obtained an inheritance, having been destined according to the purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will, so that we, who were the first to set our hope on Christ, might live for the praise of his glory.”  Ephesians 1:11-12