Ever notice how many sisters in religious orders take Mary in their name – Sr. Mary Francis, Sr. Mary Catherine etc? Think they know some special secret? Yes, they do, but it’s not a secret.
If you want to be holy and united with the heart and life of Jesus, you have to seek to become like our Lady. The saints know this, you’d be hard pressed to find a saint’s story who wasn’t impacted by the Blessed Mother. She is the perfect example of a holy life, lived within a true life.
All that Jesus wants to hear from His followers is the same words first spoken by His mother, FIAT, that is ‘let it be done to me.’ Luke 1:38. This word altered salvation history. I would argue to say it may be the single greatest word uttered by a human in all history. This one word undid the fall of Eve and Adam. Where they fell into sin and turned from God, Mary’s fiat gave her will to God in submission.
This is the one word our Lord desires to hear most from His people, from His Church, ‘let it be done to me according to Thy Word.’
St. Louis de Montfort said the essence of Christianity is to become liquified by the Holy Spirit and poured into the Mary mold. That thought really makes me think. To give your fiat to the Spirit, the Spouse of Mary, as Mary did would remake your soul to be formed like hers.
St. Maximillian Kolbe, one of my favorite saints, boldly stayed that we should strive to be transubstantiated into the Immaculate. We hear this word used when the bread and wine are changed into the Eucharist. They become the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. This thought of St. Maximillian Kolbe is profound in that we should strive to become Mary. Without sin, stain or darkness.
We should study Mary and learn her traits and all we can about her so we can become ‘another Mary‘ in our souls and be most pleasing the Jesus.
This is so important to Jesus that He carved a reminder into the palm of our hands. Look at the palm of your hand, see the “M”? Maybe God put it there to give us a constant reminder of our goal. Also, for those struggling with pornography related issues, think of that next time you’re tempted. God gives us a defense against all sin, Mary. He gives us an example who lives the life He wants of us, Mary.