Loved by One

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Do you want to be liked by many or loved by One?

I heard Jim Caviezel say this, “Your name may not appear down here in any hall of fame.  But in fact you may be so unknown that nobody knows your name.  The trophies and the praise, they may never come your way.  But, don’t forget God has rewards that He’ll hand out someday. This crowd on earth will soon forget when you’re not on top,  they will cheer like made until you fall, then their praise will stop.  But, not God. He never does forget.  And, in His hall of fame, by just believing on His Son, forever there’s your name.  I tell you I wouldn’t trade my name however small, that’s written there beyond that stars in that Celestial Hall.   For all the famous names on earth or all the glory that they share, I’d rather be an unknown here and have my name up there.   Love doesn’t come from man, it comes from God. I want to be loved by One.”

Most of us deal with the sin of vainglory and all deal with pride. For me, pride is the central stick that holds up my sin. I want to do for God, I want only to give glory to Him. But, as soon as someone comes along with the pat on the back, my chest swells.

All that should matter to each of us as we walk this Road of Faith is the He knows your name.

“But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 10:33.

Does my pride swell as I get more likes or comments on my blog or as a copy of ‘I Knew His Voice’ sells on Amazon? Yea, sadly. If a soul is hooked on how many Facebook likes or friend they have, the soul becomes a slave to this.

So, I always strive to take compliments in light of His Glory. I don’t detract from ‘my’ accomplishments but know that this is due to God, not me.

“Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord and not for your masters, since you know that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward; you serve the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24

I strive to do all for His glory. If I take the pat on the back, it is with knowledge of God’s guidance. It is for God’s joy and in His joy that He takes pride in His son, me. Every man wants to make his father proud. What greater joy will there be to fill you heart than the moment God shows you the palm of His hand – His hall of fame. And in His palm, you see your name.

“Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands” Isaiah 49:16