Do we pass that cross unheeded,
Breathing no repentant vow,
Though we see you wounded, bleeding,
See your thorn-encircled brow?
Yet your sinless death has brought us
Life eternal, peace, and rest;
Only what your grace has taught us
Calms the sinner’s deep distress.
These words from the Breviary Night Prayer inspired this post.
In a couple weeks we will be celebrating the resurrection. But, between now and then stands the bloody cross upon which hangs the crucified body of our Lord.
I had a discussion with an evangelical brother regarding the cross. He saw my crucifix hanging around my neck and asked why I wear a symbol of death and not a plain cross that shows Christ is risen from the dead. I explained, this crucifix is THE symbol of all that is Divine Mercy. Christ Jesus is indeed risen as we will be. But, to get to that victory, as did Jesus, we too must go through the cross. Jesus now reigns in victory as the King of life and death, the King of kings from the cross’s throne.
The crucifix calls to mind for the faithful the saving Passion of the Lord.” Further, a crucifix highlights the immense love that Jesus has for us and reminds us of the immense suffering that he endured for our sake. It also teaches us that we too have to “pick up our crosses” and follow Jesus, offering up our many sacrifices to God each day. The life of a Christian is never without struggle and the crucifix reminds us that Jesus suffered first. His sacrifice remains an inspiration for us and shows us the perfection of Christian life. In order to reach Heaven some day, we too will pass through the crucible of suffering.
Besides, the crucifix that hangs around my neck is a blessed relic of mercy. It is blessed by contact with first-class relics of St. Faustina, St. John Paul II and St. Maximillian Kolbe – the three great mercy saints of our present time. On pilgrimage in Poland at the sites of these great saints, God blessed this crucifix with their blessings, telling me to wear it boldly as all who gaze upon it will receive the blessing of Divine Mercy.
The crucifix is the ultimate first-class relic of Divine Mercy. And. As we draw near to the days of the Passion and Easter resurrection, we need to spend time focusing upon this sign of Christ’s victory, and our future victory.
Jesus, may our hearts be burning
With more fervent love for you;
May our eyes be ever turning
To behold your cross anew;
Till in glory, parted never
From the blessed Savior’s side,
Graven in our hearts for ever,
Dwell the cross, the Crucified.
Every time we gaze upon the crucifix, we praise God’s Divine Mercy.