Letting go of the world and holding onto God.
Where God is, is where I want to be.
Where do you you to be? What do you want most in this world?
Recently, we saw the drawing of one of the largest lottery prizes ever in the Mega Millions – something like $1.3 billion. That is life changing amount of money. A generationally changing amount.
But, would winning this large sum, or even just a smaller jackpot in the millions of dollars change your life for the better? So many stories are written of lottery winners who have actually regretted winning their millions. I read one of a man who said he wished he had torn up the ticket instead of redeeming it.
I used to pray to God that just once He would give me the winning numbers. I could do so much to bring glory to His Kingdom with that money. I’d give to my church and to charities. I would change lives if so many. But, I assume, God knew that that one jackpot would pit my soul at risk. He knows that all the best intentions would begin my journey of riches. But, sooner or later, that money and it’s fruits would become my idol. God would become secondary somehow. Not intentionally for sure. But at some point, it would happen.
“For what will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their life?” Mark 8:36
So many would freely surrender their soul for the riches a jackpot seemed to offer. But, I know the greatest riches aren’t added up with a calculator or on a bank deposit book. The greatest riches we can achieve are the memories we cherish and leave behind. The greatest jackpot isn’t randomly picked or a one is a billion gamble, it is Jesus Himself.
Someday, we will all stand before God (if I can stand and not fall to my knees). We will see then where our treasure lies. Will we look over our shoulder at all the money and houses we left behind? Or, will we gaze upon Jesus and know the treasure we sought our whole life is standing right before us?
Don’t let the treasures of this world cloud the greatest treasure which is Jesus Christ. Spend you days building this account – the dividend will stun even the greatest saint.
Where God is, is where I want to be.