Letting Anger Reign

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Have great love for those who cause you suffering. Do good to those who hate you”. I answered, ‘O my Master, You see very well that I feel no love for them, and that troubles me’. Jesus answered, “It is not always within your power to control your feelings. You will recognise that you have love if, after having experienced annoyance and contradiction, you do not lose your peace, but pray for those who have made you suffer and wish them well” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1628

Talk about Divine Providence that today this would come up on my daily Divine Mercy Devotional. Nothing is happenstance or luck. Everything to in the Father’s Divine Will.

Today was a travel day. We drove several hundred miles through steeply hilled mountain roads. Raining, sometimes hard, through much of it. Pulling a 41 foot long, 17,000 pound fifth wheel adds a lot of stress to a long drive. When other drivers add to that stress, it is easy to lash out in angry words and thoughts. One car passed on my left then quickly cut in front of us without waiting for much clearance. Another driver came on in front of us at a ramp, I blinked my lights to allow him to safely merge. The car slowly merged and then slowed considerably. Dangerous actions when the vehicle behind you is fourteen tons. And, my last example, the guy tailgated me for miles on a three lane highway. Finally, he slid to the center lane and passed. He changed lanes in front of me and slowed way under the speed limit forcing me to brake heavily.

In each situation I reacted as a good Catholic Christian. I smiled and prayed for the one offending me. NOT! Let’s add another “!” To that. No, I let my temper rise and anger flow into my heart. In each situation, I turned my anger upon them in words and thoughts.

“O my Jesus, when shall we look upon souls with higher motives in mind? When will our judgments be true? You give us occasions to practice deeds of mercy, and instead we use the occasions to pass judgment. In order to know whether the love of God flourishes in a convent, one must ask how they treat the sick, the disabled, and the infirm who are there.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1269

God gave me these opportunities to practice patience and mercy. I had perfect scenarios to pray for the person and show mercy, even if they’d never see it. They didn’t see my anger either. Who won? Worse, who lost?

Jesus gives us a great lesson in these words to St. Faustina – gives me a loving slap on the hand. “It is not always within your power to control your feelings. You will recognise that you have love if, after having experienced annoyance and contradiction, you do not lose your peace, but pray for those who have made you suffer and wish them well

We can’t always control our temper of initial reaction, but we can always stop overreacting or action. We may bite our tongue or grind our teeth, but we must learn to not allow anger to reign in our heart or mind. By “we” I mean me. I’ve grown from swearing or laying on my horn at someone to just angry thoughts. Today’s lesson shows I have a way to go yet on my Road of Faith.

How do you react when some does something against you or a loved one? Do you give peace and mercy when anger is more due?

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