John 11:1-54 tells the events that occurred leading up to Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. The final and biggest miracle Jesus performed in His ministry on earth before the resurrection.
Jesus heard his friend Lazarus was sick, and being God, He knew this illness would lead to the death of Lazarus. He knew also that this terrible event would bring great glory to the Father. So, He waited patiently. How much it must have hurt the Lord to know what Mary and Martha would go through that many could come to see God’s power.
When He arrived, Lazarus was in the tomb four days already. And, you can see the pain of Mary and Martha in their words and reaction. “If only you had been here.” John 11:21. Their faith shown through their pain.
“on account of the people standing by, that they may believe that You did send me” John 11:42 And Jesus called out through the grave, “Lazarus, come out.” From the tomb of death, Lazarus answered the call of his Lord.
I sit here this morning thinking of this event. Basically, this was occurring 1,988 years ago at this moment. I imagine the awe and even fear of those who witnessed this miracle. The anger and jealousy of the Pharisees who plotted their final steps to kill the upstart Jesus.
As I imagine what it would have been like to see this event unfold, the Lord put on my heart my own “Lazarus” moments. My Savior called me out from the grace of death in my sin, that the Father would be glorified. He could have come earlier to stop the death, but, He chose to allow me to come to the point of the tomb. Buried in my sin in the dark tomb. So, I could see God’s merciful and magnificent power and not claim anything of my own.
I also see all the times over the past decade in which I prayed to God to come and heal my daughter of her illness. He chose to wait in the distance, allowing events to unfold. Again, that when He did come, there would be no doubt of His presence and power.
So many times we call out to God and feel we get no answer. We get angry, I know I have, when He doesn’t appear to be hearing our cry. But, always remember, even if ‘far away’ Jesus knows exactly what is going on and holds back immediate responses for the greater glory of the Father.
If He had protected me from my stupidity and sin all those years, I would not have been able to make a free and totally surrendering choice to follow Him. And, I wouldn’t have the story of freedom from sin that I can share now.
I have pondered on the realization many times, if Jesus had answered my prayers of healing for my daughter ten years ago, God would have been glorified, yes. But, because Jesus sat away for an extra time, I was forced to grow and learn to trust Him. I found Divine Mercy. Yes, He would have been glorified bu answering my prayers with a miracle healing. But, I wouldn’t have been forced to change.
Reflect upon your Lazarus moments. When did the Lord’s delayed answer of prayer result in the growth of your faith and trust in Him?
Spend time today reading this story from John 11:1-54. Put yourself in the scene and watch it unfold with your eyes of faith.