Know God

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“My Jesus, again the moment approaches when I will be alone with You. Jesus, I ask You with all my heart, let me know what there is in me that displeases You and also let me know what I should do to become more pleasing to You. Do not refuse me this favor and be with me. I know that without You, Lord, all my efforts will not amount to much. Oh, how I rejoice at Your greatness, O Lord! The more I come to know You, the more ardently I yearn for You and sigh after You!” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 273

When we look within our soul, what do we see?

For many years all I saw when I looked within was my sin and wretchedness. I could never get past the guilt and sorrow of what I did that separated myself from God. Even after Confessions, the sin would fill my mind and overcome the grace God was offering. Yes, we can push away the graces and blessings God offers and desires to give us. Luckily, the Father is very persistent.

It took a lot of that persistent grace and never waiver of love of God to open my eyes to the enemy’s strategy. The enemy was naming my sins and defining me by those sins so that I could never see the Father’s image in me. I allowed the enemy to speak lies as if truth.

Divine Mercy changed all that for me. Now, I know God knows my sin but He has never once called me by those sins. He has always called me by my name. He has always looked in my eyes and though my face may have been dirty and masked in sin, God always sees me as His child. He sees me as the image of Himself.

God called each of us to be His son or daughter. Before He turned on the lights, the Father was thinking of YOU. He was thinking of your sanctity and designing you to be with Him. Then, knowing we would fall, Jesus stepped into time and climbed upon that cross to restore the countenance of the Father upon us.

Listen to the Father as He calls you by name. Look at the crucifix for the reminder of just how important it is to God that you feel His love.

When you can begin to see God’s resemblance when you look in the mirror, you will start seeing God and feeling His love more in your life.


  1. Ed,

    I rarely comment, but I want you to know that I read and appreciate your daily messages. Thank you for the work you put into these reflections.

    Grace and peace.

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