Key to great gifts

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The greatest works are worthless in My eyes if they are done out of self-will, and often they are not in accord with My will and merit punishment rather than reward. And on the other hand, even the smallest of your acts, done with the confessor’s permission is pleasing in My eyes and very dear to Me. Hold firmly to this always. ”. Divine Mercy in my soul # 639

Humility opens one to the gifts of the Spirit and that humility is found resting in the Divine Will of the Father. A soul must adhere to God’s Will, not it’s own to unlock the power of the Holy Spirit.
I always thought that I had to be grand, to stand out and be in front and seen to let God be seen. This path is for some, yes, and is part of what God’s calling of me at times. But, being ‘on the stage’ is not always the best path according to God’s desire and Will. The smallest act done in accord with His Will is bigger that any grandiose action done of one’s own design. Our ‘grandest’ act is nothing if not done according to God’s Will.

I remember when I felt God call me to write my book and share the miracles of what He did in our lives. He made incredible things happen to make it so, that’s another story. Above all, He gave me a gift during the year or so it took to write ‘I knew His Voice’.
That gift was to see that while this was to be my story of a soul, this book wasn’t about me. I wanted a huge thing like “Heaven is for Real” or “Into the deep” and others like it. But He taught me this wasn’t meant to be some great NY Times best seller. No, this was meant to touch one soul. To touch that soul and help it recognize that God is present and active. And if that one soul could open itself to that possibility, it would be changed forever. Changed not by my book, but by God. At that realization I came to understand that the great thing I desired to do in writing ‘I knew His Voice’ was a small act compared to God’s Will and desire. I guess that is why I always received such a thrill in hearing other people tell me how God had acted in their life. That, this book brought those memories out to share. Or, that soul after hearing or reading the events that came to me to ask ‘is this true?’ or ‘help me know God’.
“I knew His Voice” is God’s story not mine. I was just one small actor in the events and the writing. It is His Will that drives it to open a soul. But I had to be open to God’s Will that this be done and shared. I had to bare my soul for any to read and open the door to my family’s life in those days. Then let go of the reins that God could take it where He wanted it to go.

That is the same for all people. One must be open to lay bare oneself that God may act through them. To be willing to take the one step God asks, even if that step be a small one — out of the boat.

When the soul Is obedient and humble to God’s Will, it sees that all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are His to give (1 Corinthians 12:11). The soul will be ok if it asks for the gift of prophecy or healing but doesn’t receive. It will know that this is not for the soul’s benefit (not fully) that these Gifts are given. But for the Glory of God. Being obedient to the Voice and call of God is key. Let everything else but our obedience to that call fall upon God to finish.
Obedience to the Will of God is an act of humility. He Has taught me that obedience to His Will doesn’t always look like I thought. But, that His Will is often accomplished in the little, unseen things that we do.