Give Your All

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“And I heard a voice in my soul: Do as much as is in your power, and don’t worry about the rest. These difficulties prove that this work is Mine. Be at peace so long as you do all that is in your power.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1295

Saint Mother Teresa is often quoted as saying that God asks us to be faithful, not successful.  In other words, we are called to offer our best to the Lord, striving to be faithful to His holy Will, and then leave the rest to Him.  At times it may appear that our “best” does not produce the desired good fruit that we desire.  Perhaps you put your heart and soul into some apostolic work and it never appeared to take off in the way you had hoped.  There is great freedom in the realization that all we are called to do is be faithful, not successful. 

“Success” is measured by God, not by human standards.  We are truly “successful” only when we are faithful to the Will of God and diligent in committing ourselves to His divine work.  If we are faithful in this way, nothing else matters. 

When I had the thought to write “I Knew His Voice”, I had dreams of NY Best Seller lists and even a movie (Kirk Cameron or Jim Caviezel would play me) – haha. But, the success of ‘I Knew His Voice.’ It hasn’t come close to those aspirations.

I could be hurt and question God why His story isn’t a best seller. But, God put on our hearts when Connie and I were praying about self-publishing ‘I Knew His Voice’ that it wasn’t about sales or profits. The whole reason for telling our story was to find the one soul who needed to know God is real, active and does listen. To tell the story to trust God even if the answer is silence or no.

“I Knew His Voice” may never sell a million (or even a thousand) copies, but that doesn’t matter to the effort of publishing and sharing the story. It has found ‘that one soul’ many times and will again. God will make it the success He desire in hearts.

Do your best and leave the rest to God.

Find “I knew His Voice” through the links below:

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