“the Lord answered me, Are you sad because of this? Of course, you are a saint. Soon I Myself will make this manifest in you, and they will pronounce the same word, saint, only this time it will be with love”. Divine Mercy in my soul # 1571
“Night holds no terrors for me sleeping under God’s wings.“ Breviary Night Prayer
Am I ready to meet God right now? That should be a question the soul asks itself daily. Not as a question to bring despair or fear but instead as a way to motivate the soul to holiness.
The enemy would try to bring terror to the hearts of every soul. Fear of judgement and pending doom for each and every mistake and sin committed. He is a liar! There is no condemnation for the repentant sinner. Tune out the lies of the enemy and focus on the truth.
From the cross, Jesus has poured out His Divine Mercy upon every soul who wants and accepts it. His desire is to make this Mercy readily available for EVERY soul, excluding none, even the most hardened sinner.
The Father desires sanctity, holiness of all His children. His desire is that all souls come home to live united in the Holy Trinity with Him forever. That desire of God’s is a requirement to come into His Holy, Holy, Holy presence. But, the Father’s Love so is much that He gives us Divine Mercy to overcome our shortfalls. He gives us the Sacraments, especially Confession, to wipe away our past ‘as far as the east is from the west’.
Furthermore, God has called many souls to this sanctity here in life as an example for the rest of us. These chosen ‘saints’ are often hidden amongst us. Some may not even know who they are themselves and most are probably more like ‘saints in training’.
I would like to propose that each person reading this is one of those chosen by God. You may not be a saint yet. You may think yourself an unworthy soul due to your sinfulness. But, God is calling you nonetheless. St. Paul knee himself to be the ‘worst of sinners’ 1 Timothy 1:15. But, like us, he knew that ‘Jesus came into the world to save sinners’.
Look into the image of the Merciful Jesus, read Holy Scripture and St. Faustina’s diary and chose to be chosen. Unsure how to live that chosen life? Look for the ‘saints’ in your life, those called to live a higher sanctity. The men and women who are striving along this same path to holiness. Ask them for help, they may ask you for the same in return. Then, live a chosen life. If you call, stand up, ask forgiveness and move forward again.
Nothing calls our Satan’s lies like a sinner redeemed. I am the least of all but I know that each time I turn to Jesus in His Divine Mercy, the gates of hell tremble with Satan’s fury. And, the angels sing.
You are chosen, strive to live in the manner of a chosen soul. Then, when you ask “Am I ready to meet God right now?”, the answer will be a hearty yes. And all the terrors of the night will vanish in Divine Mercy.
“Chosen souls are, in My hand, lights which I cast into the darkness of the world and with which I illumine it. As stars illumine the night, so chosen souls illumine the earth. And the more perfect a soul is, the stronger and the more far-reaching is the light shed by it. It can be hidden and unknown, even to those closest to it, and yet its holiness is reflected in souls even to the most distant extremities of the world”. Divine Mercy in my soul # 1601
Mother Mary, please intercede on the behalf of all sinners and saints who read this reflection and through your love and purity, send the Holy Spirit to empower each to live chosen.
“He who does not take advantage of small graces will not receive great ones.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 165