It All Started

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“they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy.” Matthew 2:9-10

It all started with a star hanging in the sky.

The star drew wise kings and magis from distant lands, the star shone in the sky over a little manger attracting the poorest to see what lies in the light. Under this star slept a small little child. This child, born in this humble place seems to be nothing of note. But, the star hung above drawing the attention of the whole world.

The event that occurred under this star has changed the world.

Herod told the magi “Go and search diligently for the child.” His motivation was wrong but his words are great advise for all those traveling the Road of Faith. We are on a continuous journey in search of something. Today’s world leaves many feeling as they are traveling in darkness and without guidance or direction. In all this, remember, “it all started with a star.”

“Wise men still seek Him.”

Seek always the Lord, that humble baby in a little manger who is Christ the Lord. He is lying in that manger waiting on you. He came from Heaven to earth to meet you most of the way, He’s done the hard part. Now, it is up to you. Will you set your feet along the Road of Faith and follow this star until He is found? Will you travel past the Herod’s who seek to destroy Him and mislead you? Will you travel this Road of Faith from distant lands across arid days? The treasure at the end of this road is worthy of the journey. Jesus is the greatest of all treasures. And the best gift you can offer is your heart.