In Mercy – Peace

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“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, the LORD, my rock, and my redeemer.“. Psalm 19:14

In this difficult time and ‘new world’, one needs to find a way to draw closer to God. I believe that is all He desires in everything we encounter especially in times when things ‘are beyond our control’ (hint: nothing is in our control, that is an illusion of the enemy).

“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.“. 2 Corinthians 12:9

“My Grace is sufficient”. One thing I can say I’ve learned through the last decade, through challenges, loss and desolation, is that the Grace the Father offers is 1) totally sufficient; 2) for this moment; 3) Not to be squandered on yesterday or tomorrow.
When a soul begins to looks to the worried of tomorrow or the failures/successes of yesterday, worry, fear, pride, anxiety can set in and steal away the grace God offers. For me, that became true one day sitting outside an MRI room waiting for my daughter. She had just suffered an episode that resulted in the nurse calling a code on her. She was stabilized but now they were running tests to try to figure out what had occurred (see my book “I knew His voice” available on Amazon and through the link on my homepage).

I sat with my head in my hands, saying a worry-filled prayer. The past hour had been emotionally exhausting from fear and stress. I asked the Father again, why had He done this? Wasn’t I good enough, didn’t He love her? I was so worried about what had occurred, now for the third time. I was so afraid about what was going to happen to her, if she’d be ok. I totally lost focus of all the tremendous blessings God had given us, had given to me personally, over the past 2-3 weeks (again, see my book).

As I prayed, a woman sitting across from me said, “don’t fear, God gives you enough grace for today.” I looked up, nodded and smiled then went back to my thoughts. That’s when I heard God speak to me, I heard Him say, “My son, my grace is sufficient for this moment, rest in it now.”

I must have been focused on my thoughts for some time because when I looked around to see who had said those words, expecting to see the same person had spoken, I was alone. I looked at the clock, only a few minutes had passed.

Those words have been set in my heart ever since. I can hear the sound of the voice, warm and soothing. The peace in the realization that His Grace is sufficient for this moment, then no fears: His grace is sufficient for this new moment. Breath in His Grace and Breath our His praise! Trust in Jesus and Trust in His Grace – To paraphrase, where fear is strong, grace abounds. Rest in the grace of God in this moment, He is the God of the moment