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“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him” 1 Corinthians 2:9

“I can only imagine”, the song is an anthem of what is to come. Maybe as big a song as Amazing Grace. The lyrics are simple, written from the heart in just ten minutes. But, wow!

Imagine, just for a moment but then as a focal point of prayer every day. Imagine if you will, that moment when you finally come face to face with Jesus.

I’ve imagined and God has shared potential images of this moment. I’ve seen myself falling in deep reverence of God, in ALL His glory as He stands before me just moments after I’ve closed my eyes on earth. What do I have…how can I be in His presence, full Holiness revealed to a battered sinner? I’ve come knowing I am not worthy to be in His Presence, dropping to my knees, hands covering my tear streaked face. And, I’ve felt His loving arms, full of strength, lift me to my feet, bringing me face to face with Himself. The shame rushed through me, I couldn’t raise my eyes. Jesus simply says, “look at Me. Raise your eyes.” I can’t. Jesus repeats His call to raise my eyes to His, and in that moment, I instantly melt into His embrace. The love and passion in those Divine eyes overcome everything. And, as my tears, now of joyful love, flow down my cheeks, my Lord pulls me close in a tight embrace, “welcome home, son.” I am crying as I write this.

Nothing we can dream of or imagine can even come close to revealing this moment. But, we should dream of and live every moment on earth until that meeting. Until the meeting is no longer imagine but knowing.

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