Identifying Evil Spirits

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“And every spirit who doesn’t confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God, and this is the spirit of the Antichrist, of whom you have heard that it comes. Now it is in the world already.” 1 John 4:3

The Bible mentions spirits many times.
In direct disobedience to God, King Saul went to a medium, hoping to talk to the spirit of Samuel.
In Jesus’ time, there were many instances of evil spirits that would enter and control people. Many of the spirits were actually Satan’s evil angels, mimicking or possessing people to trick people.

In Acts 19:11-20, the Bible tells a cautionary tale of what happened when people who weren’t closely aligned with God tried to cast out such evil spirits in His name.

These days, some people seem to be possessed by a spirit of destruction. 1 John 4:3 gives a test. Anyone who claims Jesus was not God in flesh does not have a Godly spirit.
It can be scary when confronted with a spirit possessed person. The only way to defend against them is to have God’s Holy Spirit on your side.

I’ve found myself placed on the frontline of this battle a few times now. I’m not qualified nor skilled but in each fight, I’ve stood in my vocation and ministry and with the power of a father. I’ve stood against demonic attacks against our daughter. In each episode, I’ve stood with the power of the Father behind me in the vocation of father. In each instance, the fight was fought with God’s immense power behind me. In each, the demonic influence has been cast out and it’s power broken for the moment at least.

Don’t worry so much if you face this moment. God has already defeated Satan and all his angels. As long as we accept Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf, and believe He is God in human flesh, we have His Spirit within us.