How do you make time to worship?

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How do you make time to worship?

What is worship to you? Worship within the Catholic Church is as varied as snowflakes but as uniform as a ground blanketed by a deep coating of that very same snow.

To some, worship is praying the Holy Rosary. This great weapon of our time gives strength to fumble through the day as it gives a soul perspective on the life of Jesus through our Mother’s eyes.

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is my personal favorite time of prayerful worship to commune with God. In the Chaplet I find peace by God’s nearness. The Chaplet was personally given to me by Jesus Himself that night in the ICU and reinforced in the months and years since. In this time of prayer, I know Jesus is close and His Divine Mercy closer.

Praise! Any follower of the Road of Faith knows my feelings on praise. Praise music allows me to lose my stress and get lost in God and the joy of His presence. When I praise, my soul sings out thanks to God for all He has done. I love lifting my hands to Praise Nation PGH at a festival of praise but my praise comes also on my knees alone in my room. Praise is gratitude. I give praise in thanksgiving to God for all He’s done in my life with my first morning thoughts and prayers, before every prayer I raise to God and as my last prayer and thoughts of the day.

The ultimate form of worship is Holy Mass and receiving the Holy Eucharist. What better way to worship God then to approach His altar in a state of grace and receive His Son, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the precious Eucharist. This is worship at its purest.

So o ask you, how do you worship the God Most High?