How Can I Prevail?

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“Do not be afraid, stand firm, and see the deliverance that the Lord will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you see today you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to keep still.” Exodus 14:13-14

“The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to keep still” from Exodus 14:14 is one of my favorite ‘battle verses’ from the Bible. Whenever I feel under attack or feel I’m fighting a battle I can’t win, I recall this verse. No battle is mine to win or lose, it doesn’t depend upon my strength or cunning. Every battle is the Lord’s to fight.

The Lord God Almighty is undefeated. He has never and never will lose any battle – no skirmish, battle, or war is ever at risk when the Lord is fighting.

As a soldier in the fight, what is expected of me? Two simple things are demanded of any soldier – faith and discipline.

Faith and trust in the leadership guiding you. You must be able to trust the battle plan, even if it looks dire at times. The Lord knows how to win in the most dramatic and powerful of manners. Sometimes, the fight will look like the tide of battle is turning against us, but that is all part of the Lord God’s plan. The goal is total and complete victory. That is guaranteed. Sometimes it may seem to ebb when the Lord needs to draw more “soldiers” to trust and faith. But, trust that God is always victorious and moving toward victory.

Discipline is critical in any army. From basic training through their whole career, a soldier is taught discipline. To habitually obey. Practicing disciplined movements so often that when action is called upon, the soldier acts from habit. Command given, carried out – no thought nor hesitation – just action. Courage often overcomes fear through this simple habit. A brave soldier will look back and say, “I did what?” Or “I only did what my training called for.” When the leader commands, the soldier jumps. Learn disciple in the Lord’s battle plan through prayer and the Bible. Practice discipline in believing and trusting in all little things. Study the Bible and words in RED for motivation when the battle starts. Learn disciple in prayer by overcoming distraction.

No matter how big the battle may seem. Even if the enemies seem to surround you, the battle is controlled by the Lord God. The victory is a given fact. When the Lord calls, answer, “yes sir!” When the battle is engaged, don’t charge forward but follow the Lord’s command and trust Him. When the battle is hottest, trust Him more.

We prevail in the biggest, toughest battles through disciplined trust that “The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to keep still.”

“Through God we will do valiantly, for it is he who will tread down our adversaries.” Psalm 60:12

One comment

  1. Obedience …to obey…Latin Obedire…meaning…”listen to.”

    Discipline …disciplina…instruction and learning from Latin…discere …”to learn”

    Discipline and obedience… to habitually want to “listen to”in order “to learn.”

    Who do we listen to?

    So much noise…are we listening?…are we able to listen?

    What do we want to learn?

    Nice post Road to Faith!

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