Holy Water

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“Suddenly, I saw many spirits of darkness. Then, forgetting that I was with the sisters, I seized the holywater sprinkler and sprinkled the spirits, and they disappeared at once.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 601

Back in October 2022 I wrote a reflection on the power of making the sign of the cross. Today, I reflect upon the power this prayer has along with holy water.

Holy water is water that has been blessed by a member of the clergy, or derived from a well or spring considered holy. Holy water is used for cleansing during the Sacrament of Baptism. Holy water is also used in the Sacraments  Matrimony, of Extreme Unction (of the sick) and of the administration of the Holy Eucharist to the sick, and it is employed also in services for the dead.

The use of holy water is also used as a  sacramental  for protection against evil.

The soul should make use of this sacramental often. It is normal to find fonts containing holy water upon entering a Catholic Church. The Catholic Church teaches the use of holy water and making a sign of the cross when entering a church reflects a renewal of baptism, a cleansing of venial sin, as well as providing protection against evil. It is sometimes accompanied by the following prayer:

By this holy water and by your Precious Blood, wash away all my sins, O Lord.

But, how about within your home?

Blessing oneself with holy water in the sign of the cross before and after prayer, when entering one’s home or maybe just randomly during the day brings much power and grace of the Church upon the soul.

A soul troubled by sins, temptation and even demons must make use of holy water often in blessing. As described by St. Faustina in paragraph 601 of her diary, the sprinkling of holy water drives away demons and with them the temptation to sin.

Every Catholic should have their home blessed with holy water by a priest – not just once, but often. Both of our RVs have been blessed with holy water and exorcised/blessed salt. The current ‘Faith’ has had these priestly blessings several times as well as my prayers for St. Michael’s defense of the RV and spreading of God’s grace to all who see it along the road or in a campground.

If you don’t have holy water in your home, a font at the doors (all entries), or a vial of holy water, fix that immediately – today.

Then, bless yourself each morning during prayer, include all in your household in this blessing. Ask those within your home to bless themselves. Keep the doorway fonts filled and use them when entering or leaving the room.

Get your home blessed asap. And, regularly bless your home with holy water, and the blessings of St. Michael. I have prayed the prayer of St. Michael, Chaplet of St. Michael and sealing prayers to block and cast out demons.

Make prolific use of holy water daily and drive those demons out.