Heroic Faith

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“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire” St Catherine Of Siena

Do you have faith to move mountains?

Do you have enough faith that you carry about you a sense of peace?  This is truly heroic virtue – faith is courage and courage brings faith.  

Look at the disciples who stepped out in faith when the Spirit fell upon them.  Pentecost Sunday and beyond, they had courage from the strength of their faith. They knew Jesus’ truth, no doubt.  From that they carried out courage to others.  

The more a soul in courageous faith gives of this faith to others, the more the soul will receive faith’s strength.

A soul with this virtue of faith in strength can move mountains because, the soul knows God has the best plans for it, the soul knows it isn’t for the soul to succeed or fail.  It is God’s plan, Not the soul’s. It is God’s strength, not the soul’s. This is trust. Trust is seeded in faith and faith grows into a great harvest in trust.  

A lot of circular thoughts here.  The more trust a soul has that God is truly Whom He claims and everything He says is fact, the more it’s faith strengthens.  The more the soul’s faith grows and strengthens, the more it trusts and knows God.

A soul using its faith becomes empowered.  It’s faith becomes faith that is unshakable and unwavering to become a heroic virtue that shines for all to see – that emanates a peace other souls can feel as palpable and be drawn to.

This is the soul with faith that can move mountains.  Not physically (well not that I can prove yet) but when the world places mountains and canyon size valleys before it and deadly dark nights upon it, the soul with herois faith is not impeded.  It flexes and steps through the challenge because it knows God has great plans for it and even the ‘mountains’ bow down to His power

I have come through a dark night of desolation and through it, the Father carried me and pressed me forward even though I was ‘done’ and didn’t want to carry on.  I learned a lie of the world, ‘God won’t give anymore than you can handle.’ That isn’t true, God will give more than you believe you can handle but what He knows you’re capable of – saintly power!  The enemy doesn’t want you to push your faith. He fears if you grow. But, God does press and push us to grow and in that growth sometimes it can hurt but if the soul perseveres, it will become mighty.  It will become what God created it to be – a saint.

I am learning trust and confidence in God through the groups my wife and are part of and the people we are learning from.  Recently. I’ve had instances of others coming to me for prayer or guidance, only to have my first thought fall into one of fear.  “What if I fail?” ‘What if the prayer doesn’t work?” Great lessons from God, instantly, I knew it wasn’t up to me to be successful.  It was only up to me to do and trust.

“But fear not, because you are not alone.  I am always supporting you, so lean on Me as you struggle, fearing nothing.  Take the vessel of trust and draw from the fountain of life” Divine Mercy in my soul #1488