Listen for His Voice

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Behold, I will pour out my spirit on you. I will make known my words to you.” Proverbs 1:23

I always sign my books with, “Listen for His voice – John 10:27-28” or something similar. John 10:27-28 is very special to me, a lifeline thrown to me by God Himself in a very desperate time. “I Heard His Voice”, the title of my book, holds the root of the meaning of this to me.

My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27

Hearing God’s voice isn’t the key. Yes, we do need to stop and carve out time to hear Him. The world is too noisy, so we need to find a quiet place and quiet time to simply hear His Voice. But, we must also listen.

More people than they realize actually do hear God’s voice. He may be heard in your conscience or maybe in a friend or your spouse’s words. Maybe in the Bible or a homily. But, unfortunately, so many don’t listen.

In order to allow God to make known His words to the soul, he must listen.

What do you do to carve out quiet time to spend with God? What do you do to not only hear His voice, but also to listen to His words?

God speaks to my soul (and to yours) constantly. The more you hear Him and listen to what He is saying, the more you will hear His voice. You will recognize the Shepherd’s voice in the child’s laugh, wife’s advise, poor man’s cry, in the red words and the quiet breeze.

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