He Knows..

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 Simon, Simon, listen! Satan has demanded to sift all of you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your own faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”  And he said to him, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death!”  Jesus said, “I tell you, Peter, the cock will not crow this day, until you have denied three times that you know me.”” Luke 22:31-34

We know the story of Jesus’ warning to Peter of his coming betrayal. Peter wholeheartedly denied that he would ever deny His God. Jesus, God knows of Peter’s failure but, also knows Peter will recover and be stronger.

Jesus calls us out of our sin. He strives to strengthen us. God calls us to be perfect and holy. Yet, He knows we will fall. Sin is simply a betrayal of God’s love and majesty. Jesus doesn’t need special powers to know we will betray Him. Peter’s betrayal was horrible – he knew Jesus personally and has seen and heard first hand what we read. How wretched does this make us then? Not only do we have a full view of all Jesus did, all His healings and everything He said, but, we also know what He suffered in His passion for us. And, that He died on the cross because of our sin. And, that He rose from the grave to destroy the power of sin over our souls. We pound our chest and declare in our pride, “not I Lord! I won’t betray You.” Then, in so many ways (often repeated ways), we betray Him in our sin.

But, remember, while Jesus predicted Peter’s denial, He also knew that Peter would rise up and lead. Jesus also knows that of you and I. Despite our bold claims to sin no more, we will. But, we glorify God when we stand back up after the fall, to throw ourselves upon His Divine Mercy.

Each time we fall, Jesus calls to us to follow Him. He looks at our shamed countenance and asks, “do you love Me?” (John 21:15). Then, He patiently waits for our response.

Do not lose heart in coming for pardon, for I am always ready to forgive you. As often as you beg for it, you glorify My mercy.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1488