Have I Told You Lately

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Have I told you today that I love you? That question was asked by the great Italian philosopher Angelo Pampina every time he would greet a soul. This is a simple question with deep roots in God.

Everyday God asks us “do you see how much I love you?” Through His Holy Word He tells us of His incredible love “for God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son so whomever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”. John 3:16

If I sit and ponder the depth of God’s love all day long I would still be no closer to knowing how deeply He loves me. In fact, as St. Augustine wrote that ““God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” With a deep passion for me did He climb upon that cross purely to declare His love for all to see.

“God is love” 1 John 4:8

As I sit here this dark pre-dawn morning, I see as always more clearly the love that is within me….or should I say “the love potential that is within me”

I look at my wife, kids and grandkids knowing the only thing I have to give them is my love, the only thing I can leave them with when I’m gone is my love. In living my love deeply for them today I leave them with a great gift when I am called home….my love.

The greatest thing my dad ever gave me is his love. There has never been a doubt how he felt about me on earth nor how much that love has varied to Heaven. And to this day the greatest words I ever heard my dad say, were his last, “I love you.” The greatest blessing I have is that the last words I heard from my dad were, “I love you, Ed. I’m proud of you.” My last words were “I love you too, dad.” I lost him less than 18 hours later.

Because of this loss and these last words, I live every moment with my family as if each were the last insuring that through word and action my family knows how much I love them. I know and pray two things. If my loved ones know where I am and that I still and ever will love them…they will find peace.

Through His word and actions Jesus Christ tells me every moment of His deep love…”humbling Himself to death” Philippians 2:8. From the cross, Jesus uses His last breaths to tell us how much He loves us and proves it through this final action.

He will someday run to you as the prodigal father, meeting you tearfully at the gates acclaiming that “My son who was dead, lives”

Jesus Christ loves you – nothing more needs to be said. In storms of life, in darkest night, in suffering and sin, He loves you.

Tell those closest to you that you love them…first in action. So when you ask “have I told you today that I love you” they can say “you showed me”

Take a moment today to ask God “have I told you today that I love You?” Though, He knows it already, I think telling Him again will make Him smile.