Happy Father’s Day

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“But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God,” John 1:12

“See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are…Beloved, we are God’s children now” 1 John 3:1-2

When was the last time you took a moment to tell God the Father that you love Him? So many never do this and it is such a shame a it breaks His heart.

Jesus told St. Faustina how souls who don’t accept His Mercy burn at His Sacred Heart.

Today is Father’s Day, a day centered around our dads but seldom do we think to give our Heavenly Father a hug and wish Him a happy Father’s Day.
He is the best of all fathers. All fathers are empowered and graced directly by God in the image of God as Father. There is truly no greater blessing than to be called to be a man of God as a father, standing in God’s role on earth.
So many great graces have come from my role as a father. My children taught me the love of God but blessing me with the treasure of being their dad. Dad is one of the titles I most cherish. It might not be theological but I believe God the Father cherishes this title greatly as well.
He is El Shaddai, El-Elyon, Adonai, Creator, and so much more. But, God is Love and in love God is Father. I look at all God has done from Genesis 1:1 through even today and see how His whole goal was to show us Himself as our Father. Jesus spent a lot of time and effort to teach that in His time with us. God, as Father, did so much to open our hearts to be His children.

I reflect back to God’s first words spoken audibly to me a decade ago. My daughter had just received a tough diagnosis and I had vented my emotions at adoration. God responded simply with these powerful words, “son, trust Me. I will take care of MY daughter.” Yes, I am blessed to be their dad, but He is always Father first.

Take a few minutes today to tell God ‘happy Father’s day’ and that you love Him. Give Him a prayerful hug and know that you have put a great smile on God’s face.

“God is Love” 1 John 4:8

“But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”  John 20:17


God, bless all the fathers in the world. Guide them to be good role models and loving to all their children. Help them to be a father like You are. Give them grace and patience to handle situations in a loving way. 


happy Father’s Day to all my brothers in Christ who are or will be fathers someday.

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